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Hi, I'm Dr. A. Charles Ware

Charles Ware Best portrait_edited.png


Grace (God’s Reconciliation At God’s Expense) Relations promotes a biblical view of humanity,  relationships that was birthed through The Ware’s applying their faith during time of society’s racial division and hostility.


The Ware’s marriage, family, and 48 year ministry is a story of God’s grace. CSW Legacy desires to share that story to honor Sharon Ware, serve this present generation, and leave a legacy of grace relations for coming generations. 


The Wares' lives reflected Grace Relations by exhibiting God’s desire for biblically loving and moral relationships across ethnic, generational, economic, national, and color barriers that plague our society.


Visit the Grace Relations site at the College of Biblical Studies


Honoring the Past. Serving the Present.
Modeling the Future.

Honoring The Past 

After Sharon’s passing in November 2021, Charles created the for-profit organization CSW (Charles and Sharon Ware) Legacy Ministries, LLC to honor the past, serve the present, and leave a model for future generations.


CSW Legacy Ministries will honor the past by sharing the Ware’s inspiring and enlightening Grace Relations story with special emphasis on Sharon’s contribution through her humble, godly, kind, encouraging, courageous, compassionate, and sacrificial service for her family and others from a variety of cultural backgrounds. 


Serving the Present Generation 

Although Sharon passed November 29, 2021, the Ware’s Grace Relations story continues! Dr. Ware believes that this generation could be the generation of racial reconciliation. He is passionate during this time of racial reckoning to move beyond cursing to the darkness to creating communities of light where biblical love and righteousness are the new normal. Communities that are characterized by love, belonging, togetherness, encouragement, compassion, joy, and life transformation. 


This is being done through Dr. Ware’s service with The College of Biblical Studies, a diverse college educating and equipping multi-ethnic Christian leaders to impact the world for Christ.  Also Dr. Ware and Matthew, his quadriplegic son, will serve through inspiring speaking, enlightening teaching, transformational training, compassionate consulting, impactful writing, and visionary leadership from the Grace Relations perspective. 


Modeling the Future 

We envision the next generation finding in the archives of history models of Grace Relations. Diverse communities where the most significant color was love. Where the content of one’s character was a higher value than the color of their skin. 


We invite you to become part of the Ware’s Grace Relations story.

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